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Why are all of the reviews so positive? only reports on the positive attributes of a product because we believe if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it at all ;)
positive thinking=positive living
How do you choose what will be reviewed?
Not every product/restaurant/event/hot spot that we buy, see, receive, or attend ends up on the blog. We choose ones that are delish! (outstanding in some way & worth reporting on because of widespread interest or little or no knowledge at all). Reviews always represent our honest, personal opinions on a product, and are not influenced by advertisers, companies, or PR representatives.
Please keep in mind that our experience & opinions may vary from yours & we encourage you to share your thoughts in the comments section or submit a guest post! (dialog with you is what makes everything delish fun)!
Do you accept press samples? What about payments?
We do not accept compensation of any kind in exchange for reviews, but we do accept samples for review from brands and public relations representatives. Samples and press materials make it possible for us to cover a wider variety of products and brands so that we can bring you that information faster.
Please note that products that are accepted, are for consideration only. Receipt of a product is in no way a guarantee of a review. For consideration, please visit delish product. Thank you!