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write a guest post

Write a guest post for!

Who can write a guest post?
Think you might like to give blogging a try? Have a passion for something delish? Just want to get your name or website out there in front of more people? Everyone can post on everything delish! We actually encourage reader submissions & highlight them on everything delish weekly!

For submission consideration please email your posts to with guest post in the subject heading. Be sure to include the following information with your post submission: name, phone number, picture, hometown, & a short blurb that describes who you are & what you do!

Please note that submissions are for consideration only, & unfortunately, not guaranteed to be posted on our site! However, we do guarantee a shout out on & a thank you reply ;)

Also, when writing your delish post, please keep in mind that everything delish only posts positive feedback! That's what makes us so unique! Thank you in advance! We look forward to receiving your email!